List of rodents
Rodents are well-evolved creatures described by upper and lower sets of consistently developing rootless incisor teeth. Rodents are the biggest gathering of vertebrates, comprising practically 50% of Mammalia's around 4,660 species.
List of rodents arranged alphabetically by suborder and family:
Suborder Anomaluromorpha
Anomalure family (Anomaluridae)
anomalure (genera Anomalurus, Idiurus, and Zenkerella)
- spring rabbit family (Pedetidae)
- spring rabbit (Pedetes Capensis)
- suborder Castorimorpha
- beaver family (Castoridae)
- beaver (variety Castor)
- monster beaver (variety Castoroides; terminated)
kangaroo mice and rodents (family Heteromyidae)
- kangaroo mouse (family Microdipodops)
- kangaroo rodent (family Dipodomys)
pocket mouse (a few genera)
- pocket gopher family (Geomyidae)
- pocket gopher (numerous genera)
- suborder Hystricomorpha
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agouti family (Dasyproctidae)
- acouchy (family Myoprocta)
- agouti (family Dasyprocta)
- American sharp rodent family (Echimyidae)
- American sharp rodent (various genera)
blesmol family (Bathyergidae)
- blesmol (numerous genera)
stick rodent family (Thryonomyidae)
- stick rodent (family Thryonomys)
cavy family (Caviidae)
- capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
- guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)
mara (family Dolichotis)
- chinchilla family (Chinchillidae)
- chinchilla (family Chinchilla)
- viscacha (genera Lagidium and Lagostomus)
chinchilla rodent family (Abrocomidae)
- chinchilla rodent (genera Cuscomys and Abrocoma)
dassie rodent family (Petromuridae)
- dassie rodent (Petromus Typicus)
- degu family (Octodontidae)
- degu (Family Octodon)
- diatomic family (Diatomyidae)
monster hutia family (Heptaxodontidae)
- gundi family (Ctenodactylidae)
- gundi (Numerous Genera)
hutia family (Capromyidae)
- hutia (Numerous genera)
- New World porcupine family (Erethizontidae)
- New World porcupine (Numerous genera)
nutria family (Myocastoridae)
- nutria (Myocastor coypus)
- Old World porcupine family (Hystricidae)
- Old World porcupine (genera Atherurus, Hystrix, and Trichys)
paca family (Cuniculidae)
- paca (family Cuniculus)
- pacarana family (Dinomyidae)
- pacarana (Dinomys branickii)
tuco-tuco family (Ctenomyidae)
tuco-tuco (family Ctenomys)
- suborder Myomorpha
- cricetid family (Cricetidae)
- American reap mouse (sort Reithrodontomys)
- cotton rodent (family Sigmodon)
deer mouse (family Peromyscus)
- grasshopper mouse (family Onychomys)
- hamster (different genera)
- brilliant hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)
- lemming (different genera)
- maned rodent (Lophiomys imhausi)
- muskrat (genera Neofiber and Ondatra)
rice rodent (family Oryzomys)
- vole (different genera)
- knoll vole (variety Microtus)
- forest vole (Microtus pinetorum)
- water rodent (different genera)
- woodrat (family Neotoma)
- dipodid family (Dipodidae)
- birch mouse (family Sicista)
- jerboa (different genera)
- hopping mouse (genera Eozapus, Napaeozapus, and Zapus)
mouselike hamster family (Calomyscidae)
murid family (Muridae)
- African sharp mouse (variety Acomys)
- bandicoot rodent (genera Bandicota and Nesokia)
- cloud rodent (genera Phloeomys and Crateromys)
- gerbil (numerous genera)
sand rodent (family Psammomys)
mouse (family Mus)
- house mouse (Mus musculus)
- Old World gather mouse (variety Micromys)
- Old World rodent (family Rattus)
- wench rodent (different genera)
- water rodent (genera Hydromys, Crossomys, and Colomys)
wood mouse (family Apodemus)
nesomyid family (Nesomyidae)
- African pouched rodents (genera Beams, Cricetomys, and Saccostomus)
Asian dormouse family (Platacanthomyidae)
- Asian tree mouse (genera Platacanthomys and Typhlomys)
spalacid family (Spalacidae)
- bamboo rodent (genera Rhizomys and Cannomys)
- dazzle mole rodent (genera Nannospalax and Spalax)
zokor (family Myospalax)
- suborder Sciuromorpha
dormouse family (Gliridae)
- dormouse (different genera)
- desert dormouse (Selevinia betpakdalaensis)
mountain beaver family (Aplodontiidae)
- mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa)
squirrel family (Sciuridae)
chipmunk (family Tamias)
- flying squirrel (numerous genera)
- ground squirrel (numerous genera)
suslik (family Spermophilus)
marmot (family Marmota)
- Groundhog (Marmota monax)
grassland canine (family Cynomys)
- tree squirrel (various genera)anomalure family (Anomaluridae)
- anomalure (genera Anomalurus, Idiurus, and Zenkerella)
spring rabbit family (Pedetidae)
- spring rabbit (Pedetes Capensis)
- suborder Castorimorpha
beaver family (Castoridae)
beaver (family Castor)
- monster beaver (variety Castoroides; terminated)
kangaroo mice and rodents (family Heteromyidae)
kangaroo mouse (family Microdipodops)
kangaroo rodent (family Dipodomys)
- pocket mouse (a few genera)
pocket gopher family (Geomyidae)
- pocket gopher (numerous genera)
- suborder Hystricomorpha
agouti family (Dasyproctidae)
acouchy (family Myoprocta)
agouti (family Dasyprocta)
American sharp rodent family (Echimyidae)
- American sharp rodent (various genera)
blesmol family (Bathyergidae)
- blesmol (numerous genera)
stick rodent family (Thryonomyidae)
cavy family (Caviidae)
- capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
- guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)
mara (family Dolichotis)
- chinchilla family (Chinchillidae)
- chinchilla (family Chinchilla)
- viscacha (genera Lagidium and Lagostomus)
chinchilla rodent family (Abrocomidae)
- chinchilla rodent (genera Cuscomys and Abrocoma)
- dassie rodent family (Petromuridae)
- dassie rodent (Petromus Typicus)
degu family (Octodontidae)
diatomic family (Diatomyidae)
- monster hutia family (Heptaxodontidae)
gundi family (Ctenodactylidae)
- gundi (numerous genera)
hutia family (Capromyidae)
- hutia (numerous genera)
- New World porcupine family (Erethizontidae)
- New World porcupine (numerous genera)
nutria family (Myocastoridae)
- nutria (Myocastor coypus)
- Old World porcupine family (Hystricidae)
- Old World porcupine (genera Atherurus, Hystrix, and Trichys)
paca (family Cuniculus)
pacarana family (Dinomyidae)
- pacarana (Dinomys branickii)
tuco-tuco (family Ctenomys)
- suborder Myomorpha
cricetid family (Cricetidae)
- American reap mouse (sort Reithrodontomys)
cotton rodent (family Sigmodon)
deer mouse (family Peromyscus)
grasshopper mouse (family Onychomys)
- hamster (different genera)
- brilliant hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)
- lemming (different genera)
- maned rodent (Lophiomys imhausi)
- muskrat (genera Neofiber and Ondatra)
rice rodent (family Oryzomys)
- vole (different genera)
- knoll vole (variety Microtus)
- forest vole (Microtus pinetorum)
- water rodent (different genera)
woodrat (family Neotoma)
dipodid family (Dipodidae)
birch mouse (family Sicista)
- jerboa (different genera)
- hopping mouse (genera Eozapus, Napaeozapus, and Zapus)
mouselike hamster family (Calomyscidae)
murid family (Muridae)
- African sharp mouse (variety Acomys)
- bandicoot rodent (genera Bandicota and Nesokia)
- cloud rodent (genera Phloeomys and Crateromys)
- gerbil (numerous genera)
sand rodent (family Psammomys)
mouse (family Mus)
- house mouse (Mus musculus)
- Old World gather mouse (variety Micromys)
- Old World rodent (family Rattus)
- wench rodent (different genera)
- water rodent (genera Hydromys, Crossomys, and Colomys)
wood mouse (family Apodemus)
nesomyid family (Nesomyidae)
- African pouched rodents (genera Beams, Cricetomys, and Saccostomus)
- Oriental dormouse family (Platacanthomyidae)
- Asian tree mouse (genera Platacanthomys and Typhlomys)
spalacid family (Spalacidae)
- bamboo rodent (genera Rhizomys and Cannomys)
- dazzle mole rodent (genera Nannospalax and Spalax)
zokor (family Myospalax)
- suborder Sciuromorpha
dormouse family (Gliridae)
- dormouse (different genera)
- desert dormouse (Selevinia Betpakdalaensis)
mountain beaver family (Aplodontiidae)
- mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa)
squirrel family (Sciuridae)
- chipmunk (family Tamias)
- flying squirrel (numerous genera)
- ground squirrel (numerous genera)
- suslik (family Spermophilus)
- marmot (family Marmota)
- Groundhog (Marmota monax)
- grassland canine (family Cynomys)
- tree squirrel (numerous genera)
Sources: List of rodents
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