Mouse Facts: Types of Mice, Habitat & Habits
A mouse is a small rodent with a pointed nose, furry round body, large ears and long, often hairless, tails. There are hundreds of mice, divided into subfamilies of either Old World or New World species.
Where do mice live?
Mice are brave creatures that are found in nearly every country and type of terrain. They can live in forests, grasslands and manufactured structures easily. Mice typically make a burrow underground if they live out in the wild. Their cave helps protect them from predators. Their natural predators are cats, birds, wild dogs and foxes. Where do mice live?
Mice are nocturnal, meaning they were sleeping during the daytime—that why house mice can be heard playing during the night. The most house mice are afraid of humans and others animal. They are very social with other mice. Others mice are very friendly toward humans and can make good pets for older children and adults.
What do mice eat?
Other facts
Mice are much like humans in their bodies and minds work. So that laboratory uses mice as test subjects for medicines and other items used on humans. Nearly all modern medicine is tested on mice before they go to human medical trials.
Mice are tough little creatures when they have their minds set on a crunchy scorpion snack. However, they can withstand multiple scorpion bites
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